
The Triggered Action Response Plan (TARP) consists of a set of documented and known hazards that need to be checked for continually in the working place. The level of risk is also pre-identified and the responsible person doing the inspection has to react according to this plan.

Once the risk is identified, then the remedial process is triggered. Based on the risk classification, the situation is escalated to the level of responsibility that is required to deal with that risk in terms of the definition of the process. This Action Response Plan may be developed for any of the major hazard areas within a mine, be they related to transport, stored energy or falls of ground.

This particular leading practice looks just at the use of TARP related to fallsof-ground hazards. At Joel Mine, and in the wider Harmony group of companies, the TARP plan is referred to as TSM - Team, Supervisor and Management. These three hierarchal structures have been identified as the levels to which identified risks need to be elevated to and be dealt with. As the risk escalates, a higher level of management is required to be involved in assessing and making decisions regarding the action that should be taken.

  1. The rock-related hazards are identified, photographed and documented
  2. A reference-card system is produced depicting:
    • A high-definition photograph of the hazard (fault, brow, dyke, blast-induced fracture etc.)
    • The hazard is named and described
    • The hazard is coded in terms of the risk it poses and the action it triggers is attached.
      • Green – Minor Risk, the "workplace team" can deal with the hazard and rectify as per Mine Standard and then continue with r normal activities. Actions are recorded on the Safe Declaration document
      • Yellow – Moderate Risk, the affected area is "stopped" and barricaded off and the "Yellow team" needs to be called for assistance. This team may include the shift boss, and health-and-safety representative, who together with the workplace team, should assess the situation and come up with a suitable remedial process. Once the conditions have been met and signed off, normal work may commence/resume. If not possible, the team can escalate the situation to a red coding. Actions are recorded in the Safe Declaration document and communicated to the Rock Engineering Department.
      • Red – High Risk, the affected area is stopped and barricaded off and the "Red team" is called for assistance. This team may, in addition to the members of the Yellow team, include the section manager or mine overseer, rock engineer and full-time health and safety representative. An assessment of the situation is made and the recommendations are recorded. Only once the mine overseer has signed off that those recommendations have been complied with, may work continue. Actions are recorded on the Safe Declaration Document and communicated to the Rock Engineering Department.
  3. All Mining Crews are trained in the contents and application of the TARP System and the reference cards are carried with the team (competent persons and health and safety representative) in the workings.
  4. An E-learning system may be used to enhance the training and management processes attached to the system

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